To add to your mobile Home screen for a full screen experience (Progressive Web App (PWA)), follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: Open the game in your mobile’s system browser i.e. Safari on iPhone, Chrome on Android.

Step 1: Open the game in your mobile’s system browser i.e. Safari on iPhone, Chrome on Android.
Step 2: Tap on the browser's menu button (this is usually the middle button in Safari, or three dots in the top right corner of the screen).

Step 2: Tap on the browser's menu button (this is usually the middle button in Safari, or three dots in the top right corner of the screen).
Step 3: Look for an option that says something like "Add to Home Screen" or "Install App". The exact wording will depend on the browser you are using.

Step 3: Look for an option that says something like "Add to Home Screen" or "Install App". The exact wording will depend on the browser you are using.
Step 4: Tap on that option. You may be asked to confirm or name the app.

Step 4: Tap on that option. You may be asked to confirm or name the app.
That’s it!
The game should now appear on your home screen like any other app. You can tap on it to play the game in fullscreen, landscape mode.